Thursday, March 29, 2012


On red days I have Math, English, Spanish, and Computer Graphics.
 I like my Math teacher but hate the subject.
 I have English every day, and no homework.
 Spanish class is okay but I do not like the subject at all. 

On black days I have Biology, English, History, and Gym.
I love my Biology teachers. We have fun in that class. 
English again, eh. 
History is fun because I have a funny teacher. 
I LOVE GYM. <3  

I love my schedule!
Question: what is your favorite subject?
pleases comment:)


  1. Hmmm. I thought we were going to spell and grammar check everything first... this is a cute idea though.

  2. favorite subject? french. not because of the language, but mostly because of all the screwing around we do. XD my friend and I spent half of the class today just slapping each other. I take most of my quizzes in purple marker, and I'm usually lazy about class work. I'm a pretty terrible student in that class. please do not follow my awful example.
