Wednesday, May 30, 2012

PBP (Pushy Book People)

I hated books. I could never stay hooked. It would take me a whole summer just to read one book. My mom and my teachers always wanted me to read them and they were always boring to me. PBPs. You know how it feels when someone makes you do something you really don’t want to do? Like when your girlfriends make you go to the bathroom in public with them, or when your dad makes you go outside to ride bikes when it’s a million degrees, or when your entire family makes you dress up as Princess Leia  for your little cousin’s Star Wars themed party. (pshhh. That was  totally NOT me) 

I used to fall asleep while I was reading. At my grandma’s house in the summer I used to fall asleep while reading next to some squeaky stairs. That way I could wake up when I heard someone coming down the stairs and pretend that I was still reading. It always worked because I’m totes awesome.

But now I love books. First I saw a movie that I really liked (and am now obsessed with, like every other teenage girl) and my friends suggested that I read the books. I started reading the first book. LOVED it! I read it all in a week, and it’s 398 pages long! I also read the second book in a week—same number of pages. Another love. I’m now two-thirds of the way through the third book, which is 400 pages long. I haven’t finished it so I don’t know if I love it yet or not.

I love them because I am reading them on my own. No one is pushing me. The books have it all: fighting, killing, star-crossed lovers, food, bombs, people dying, different types of birds, a lot of numbers.

If you haven’t guessed yet, the books are The Hunger Games series. I can’t wait until the other movies come out. I’m a Peeta freak. I can’t wait to find another series I like. Anyone have some suggestions?
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I love Peeta