Thursday, March 29, 2012


On red days I have Math, English, Spanish, and Computer Graphics.
 I like my Math teacher but hate the subject.
 I have English every day, and no homework.
 Spanish class is okay but I do not like the subject at all. 

On black days I have Biology, English, History, and Gym.
I love my Biology teachers. We have fun in that class. 
English again, eh. 
History is fun because I have a funny teacher. 
I LOVE GYM. <3  

I love my schedule!
Question: what is your favorite subject?
pleases comment:)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

my (wishful) perfect life

I wish I could have a perfect life.  With no learning disability.  No F's.  No crying.  No getting mad.

I would have A's in all of my classes, be happy, laughing, and having a good time with my friends.

I would be at least a little rich and not have to worry about the future. I would get a really good dance coach and then one day I can maybe get on So You Think You Can Dance. 

I would be a really good reader. I hate dyslexia. One day I will be able to read all the Harry Potter books. I feel pressure from my teachers and my parents to get good grades. Why does everyone tell me not to get stressed about grades? One of my teachers once told me that I'm never going to remember this so don't make a big deal about it. Seriously?

My life is not perfect but I want to make it as perfect as it can be. And you know what? I'm going to college and I'm going to live in New York with my friend.  

Question :What do you want to wish?
please comment :p 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


 I have an F in math, Spanish,and biology . I have dyslexia so it is harder for me. I've been working my butt off since I started school and no one has any idea how hard it is just to get a C. I have taken all of the tests but I have to retake them. I don't know what else to do:(
Question:: What is the worst grade you got?
pleases comment :o

Monday, March 19, 2012

about me

So here is a little about me. I am freshman , I am on the dance team. We just got back from nationals. I am 14 and a half . I am an army child so I have moved a lot.  I love photography and dance. I just started photography last year. I have been doing dance since I was three and love it.
The Washington